Sunday, December 11, 2011

mile stone update

9 Months

So I know we are about to 10 months but most of what I will share she has been doing sense 9 months.

obsessed with buttons, the electronic kind (all though she also really likes the ones on your clothes as well) that turn iphones on and off. She hold it down long enough for the voice control and then often accidentally starts calling someone or face timing someone. One time Dave was holding her while I was showing him something on the computer and all the sudden the screen goes black. yup you guessed it. She also is very precise with pressing the enumerable buttons that make music, tell her colors, shapes, and numbers, and other noises on her toys.

Brielle has become aware of her tough and is often found striking out especially when she is concentrating pulling all of the wipes out of there container.

She is in the phase of take everything out of baskets and drawers. Her favorite is the diaper drawer.

She loves to while standing turn and let gravity propel her to the ground and then shes off and crawling as fast as she can.

She can't get enough of walking with your fingers or with some kind of walker but hasn't dared go out on her own.

She is scared of stairs which is kind of a blessing. She will crawl up the bottom step and then sit there and cry like she is hurt until you come rescue her.

We use to be worried about her verbal development but know you know she's getting into something she's not suppose to when all you here is silence because usually she has an on going babble.

She is still an avid fan of all things food and anytime someone comes into her site with food she is off to their side to beg for some.

she love to point at things especially pictures in books while she turns the pages and babbles as if she is reading it.

exploring her balance on 1 foot whether it be standing on one leg and swinging  the other or in a down dog with one leg reaching for the ceiling

got her 3 tooth

can drink out of little cups all by herself.

10 months

She still find lots of humor around her and continues to love chase. She also plays Peek a boo and will even grab a blanket and but it over her head wait and then pop out from under it.

Our latest favorite development is her musicality. The girl loves to dance and in any position. She goes side to side and up and down and waves her arms and shacks her head. So fun to watch. She's got the beat. Her style preference spans the spectrum from jammn Christmas music to the classics of her baby Einstein toy, to nursery songs and church hymns. They all get here little body movin.

bye bye

4 and 5 teeth

sleeping through the night again.

wrestles/ giving loves

balancing on her own for short periods of time

learned more of the actions of patty cake. she now does (and throw them in the air) for briellee and me

Brielle is also a theif and wants to still anything and everything Keiton is playing with.
cleans the floor with paper towels

Keiton 6.5 months

six months sits up good

doesn't loose every tug of war with brielle

twisting and almost rolling to reach for things he wants and with grab with two hands

grabbing at everything

loves TV

eating some solids

splashes in the tub

throughs his body toward things when he reaches for things becoming very wiggly

entertains himself with toys for much longer

sticks everything in his mouth

gets bored and wants to be apart of the action

found him a foot or so away from where I left him when he wakes up from nap and once found him on his tummy so I think he rolls over there

Much much better with tummy time and can fully push himself up to straight arms and starting to bring legs under him a little especially if I set him down on his knees.

still drowels like there is no tomorrow

laughing. One time brielle was wanting me to play chase with her and Keiton was just smiling and laughing at her.

quick to light up with a smile

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The fall here in Woodland Hills could not be more spectacular.

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picture update

This is Brielle and her cousin Scotland and they had the most fun any two 8 months old could have. Playing tough of war over toys and playing chase. They really played togeather and not just side by side. We hope you comes and lives in Utah in a few years :)

I'm walking along furniture

I can't wait until these two little ones can play togeather. Brielle often goes up to Keiton and pats him on the head or gives him kisses and loves as if she is begging him to come play. Keiton is really watching her now and smiling and talking to her so it won't be long.However he first needs to learn to crawl and he is now were close to doing that yet. :{

trying to take her 8 month shot but she wasn't wanting to hold her owl. We will have to try again latter
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few pics

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Brielle 8 month mile stones. Keiton 4 month happenings

* walking along furniture
* loves to do SO BIG (both hands raised above her head)
* claps ( patty cake)
* shakes her head back and forth (like NO) but she doesn't mean it that way she just know is will get a laugh
* excellent eater feeds herself
* first eye, ear, and lung infections
* more vocal but mainly just ahhhhh
* getting into everything including pulling plugged in things out of the wall
* love to walk if you hold her hands she takes off walking around the room
* loves to play chase

* Now in the 1.67% for weight up from .4% so we are happy about this
* much more content
* can roll from tummy to back both directions but still with a lot of effort  (lazy would rather just lay on his tummy and cry)
* has rolled once from his back to his tummy
* found his thumb again and is a much better self soother
*grabbing toys with two hands
* reaching and rolling for toys
* likes crinkly toys
* likes you to hold him in a standing position on your lap

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

6 months

It's amazing Brielle has been part of our family a whole 6 months. Now she is legally ours.
What she's up to.

*sitting by herself while playing with toys also on unstable surfaces like a grassy slop, bed, or couch

* crawling on hands and knees as well as feet and hands. In dance we call it the elephant walk. She loves to do up dog. When she is left in a room alone she will leave and come looking for us. She gets to anything she wants in a room.

* eating solids and loving it. Meat is not her favorite! She gives her mist funny faces while eating it. She also seems to have now problem with a little more textured foods. She can drink out of a cup and a sippy. She is very interested in everything we are eating and strains to get her hands on it.

* she loves to laugh expeshally when a perticular line from tangled is quoted by her cousins or when children jump. She also gets slap happy when she is tired and you can get her belly laughing.

* very social and will almost always give anyone a big smile. She has however had moments of extrem stranger anxiety. She defiantly knows who mom is and wants her most of the time if she can see her.

* she can do a pincher grasp and can pick up some things off the floor. Time to start vacing at least daily. She also is loving hair and will wrap her little arms around your neck and grab your hair

* she is so loving and cuddly now giving bug intense hugs and kisses. On account of this change she has also started nursing and takes very few bottles now.

* she loves anything big and can often be calmed down by standing her up. She has even pulled herself up to standing twice at the couch. She also can go from a crawling position to a complete sit. She still often hangs out in a mermaid sit.

* also just in the last week she has decided to become more vocal. We were worried how quite she was but I think we are not going to experience that for much longer.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First family photo


#2 will crop out some  of both sides
 #3 top color altered one
#4 one just above this typing


Please leave a comment and let me know your favorite one by number. There were some other great ones but I want one that shows Keiton :)

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thoughts from Kjirsti's blog

So after reading Kjirsti's "I am a writer" I am declaring myself as "a creator". A creator of all kinds. I'm not just a sewer or paper crafter or woodworker, or choreographer, or designer ect. I love to dabble in it all. These kinds of projects are what fill my head in the middle of the night. Almost every time I go to a store. I thrive on creating something new. My problem is finding the balance of all the other things I should be doing and doing more for others. Life is full of finding the balance. The balance that daily, weekly, and yearly changes. The lord says lose your self in my service and you shall find yourself. I too often seek to find myself through creating one more thing and then another. I need to extend myself more to others and find how I can help build the kingdom of God.

family photo idea

Hey everyone

Mom and I were talking and she would like to specify dark jeans. So bring the darkest jeans your family members have. We would like to stick to a medium to dark shade. But we don't want this to be a burden just bring what you have.Also I wanted to through out the idea of having the pictures taken at the old barn on our property.

In the past Kjirsti and Trevor have taken the picture with a tripod and timer. This might be a little challenging this year with both of them having a new little baby. It also might be nice to have another set of eyes who stays behind the camera to make sure everyone is looking ect.

I have a lady that just took our family photo and is really cheap. I think she would do it for about $50 with all the rights to the photos. From what I have seen I'm really happy with how our family photo turned out. I am wondering if we want to take this option.

I know it will be a big hassle getting to my place so you'll have to decide if it's worth it. I'm sending an idea of the location. I feel like it has some nice potential for natural depth variation and interest. It my be a little busy? what do you think.

Let me know your thoughts so I can schedule with the photographer.
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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mothers Day

On account of having the most amazing mother. From the time I was little. I wanted to be a mom when I grew up. I didn't really have a list of other accomplishments that I wanted to achieve first. On account of this for the past 6 years mothers day has been a big deal. After sobbing uncontrollably through one Sacrament meeting on Mothers Day, I opted not to put myself through the pain the following couple of years. I cried in the privacy of my home instead of making a scene at church.

This year was the first year I was able to thoroughly enjoy the wonderful holiday. Dave was so wonderful and took care of Brielle during the night before. Then Brielle and Dave made me breakfast and this is the two of them making me my first mothers Day card. Brielle did a beautiful scribble drawing for me and Dave helped her sign her name.

I wish more then anything those other women out there who are struggling to have children may be blessed very soon. I feel their heart ache and want it to be healed.

Brielle is so very special. If we had to go through this trial to be able to have her as part of our family. It was all worth it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Month away

I can't believe I am know officially less then a month away from my due date. I am considered full term. He could come any day and most likely have no health issues. I love the idea of having a small baby. Giving birth to a 6.5 lbs baby has got to be easier then an 8.5 lbs baby :). But at the same time Keiton is so much easier to take care of inside me that he can just hang out as long as he wants. I wish I had a great picture to add but I am having issues getting pictures off my camera once I do. I will had a photo or two.

PS I am trying to learn the AV function on my camera and had left the settings on when Dave picked up the camera to take these shots. I obviously haven't figured out that setting yet :(

Friday, May 6, 2011
