* walking along furniture
* loves to do SO BIG (both hands raised above her head)
* claps ( patty cake)
* shakes her head back and forth (like NO) but she doesn't mean it that way she just know is will get a laugh
* excellent eater feeds herself
* first eye, ear, and lung infections
* more vocal but mainly just ahhhhh
* getting into everything including pulling plugged in things out of the wall
* love to walk if you hold her hands she takes off walking around the room
* loves to play chase
* Now in the 1.67% for weight up from .4% so we are happy about this
* much more content
* can roll from tummy to back both directions but still with a lot of effort (lazy would rather just lay on his tummy and cry)
* has rolled once from his back to his tummy
* found his thumb again and is a much better self soother
*grabbing toys with two hands
* reaching and rolling for toys
* likes crinkly toys
* likes you to hold him in a standing position on your lap
As of late I haven't been doing much creating.
12 years ago
1 comment:
What a wonderful update/record. Do you have any pics of your family together? I'd love to see them.
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