Monday, February 16, 2009

little boy!

This is not Dave

Through out our lives we need to keep up activities that revert us back to when we were little. Dave and I have done several activities like that lately. Well they where ones that brought the youth out of Dave. We went to a world cup mogul skiing competition and Dave was so excited and had his adrenalin going and wishing he was the one up at the top waiting for the go to race down the mountain.

Then for Valentines day we went to the ski resort that Dave learned to ski at. He proceeded to show me all of the memorable runs, rumps, cliffs and secret stashes of powder. It snowed the whole time we where their creating challenging white out conditions where you can see no depth, never knowing how steep things where and where the bumps are situated. The snow created continual fresh powder the made for Dave's favorite kind of skiing. It sprays up around you and watching in fly down from above him all I could see where his head and shoulders and the rest hidden my the spraying snow. He was in Heaven.

It was fun but very challenging to me their was a time when I was thigh deep in snow and had a hard time getting out.


Devin said...

Sounds awesome! I completely agree with you on that, I think that is something are family isn't always very good at.

Sabina said...

I'm glad you guys are taking time for fun. Unfortunately, life never seems to just hand you fun time. You have to MAKE it happen. Periodic fun activities can sure make life memorable and worth living. Work isn't really as great as we sometimes think! Love you. Thanks for sharing.

Lauren and Trevor said...

Sounds like a blast. That's great that you guys make time for rejuvenating recreation.
