Sunday, March 1, 2009

Accomplishing something

I'm in that pathetic mode were I fell like I'm accomplishing nothing of value in my life and wasting away my probation. I know I'm not and I know Satan is just getting in my head. So here are a few of the things I have accomplished.

I have been doing a lot of thinking a planning about my food storage and creating goals. by 2010 I'd like to have 3 months supply of ready made meals and a years supply of grains and beans and their complementary ingredients along with the tools and skills to make them into edible meals. I'd like to fine tune my bread, biscuit, dried beans skills.

I'm also hoping to reach our baby fund goal by my birthday so we can start saving for a down payment on a home and a trip to Italy next summer.

I created three beautiful dances that the girls loved and seemed to be enjoyed by the audience. And I hope that I turned a few more thoughts to the Savior as one piece was all about him. I was so grateful for the loving support of my family who came. I put a lot of work into these dances and it was nice to share it with people I love. Thank you Sabina, Brecklyn, and Talia for making the trip down and the sugar cookie kit I'm way excited to use it. Thanks to my Mother and Father in Law for coming and bringing me gorgeous roses and my sister in law Becky and for Dave. It meant a lot to have you their.

I have also been working on my garden and have seeds growing on my kitchen table I hope I can keep them growing until after the last frost. The weather has been so great here.


Audrey said...

I wish I could've seen the dances you choreographed! I'm sure they were incredible since you're such a talented person.
Your little plants look great. We already have much bigger plants in the ground--but we cheated and bought them bigger. We have a lot shorter growing season--it'll soon be too hot.
We miss you! Don't get down. We love ya!

Unknown said...

Wow! I am so impressed with your green thumb. I've been making our bread for a bit over a month now, and MY next thing is to figure out how to grown things...I'm not sure how to deal with the rabbits all over this neighborhood, though.

Sabina said...

You are in incredibly talented person. I was re-reminded how skilled you are at creating motion that expresses emotion. It was a treat to see your work. What a gift to be able to teach others to dance like you do. We appreciate your support for Talia as well. You guys are very special to her. I still have some seeds sitting on my kitchen counter, maybe I'll actually plant them! Love you

Devin said...

That's a great goal. Italy aye hmm.. I sure wish I could create things, maybe not dances but just something. Sounds like you're working hard, good luck!

Jayson & Sara said...

Getti - let me know where you're getting your bootie patterns! I have a few, but I always love getting new great patterns.
