Sunday, January 15, 2012

11 and 7.5 mile stones


* walking in between furniture. Has even taken 9 steps into the middle of the room
* Can stand with no assistance not even her hands. She just goes from sitting to standing by rolling up her leg and top of foot.
* Points to what she wants and know exactly what that is.
* throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants
* gets jealous of Keiton's attention at time and will push or slap him.
* shares her toys with Keiton especially when he is sand.
* trys to feed herself with bowl and spoon and has even found the top of a bottle and a spoon from the diaper bag and feed Keiton imaginary food right into his mouth.
* shacks her hed yes when she wants something
* can stake blocks one on top of another and has put puzzle pieces in their spot a few times and can drop a play cd disc down a slot into the player.
* continues to love to play with people and other kids especially chase and hide and seek/peak a boo
*  is a big helper and can be found wiping the floor with a paper towel or scrubbing the carpet with a spit up rang and even wiping Keiton's chin.
* LOVEs to pull eveything out of drawers and baskets and only puts them back in so she can pull then out again
* pulls out the bottom up a bottle and the top of a bottle and puts the top on the bottom and trys to drink it before the top falls off

Brielle put this necklace on herself,


* He has become mobile and can really get places by rolling back and forth and scutting backwards on his tummy. He has pushed himself into some pretty tight corners.  But over all his happy to be mobile.
* he is loving soiled and its a good thing because I think I'm producing less
* he continues to drowl like crazy
* he explores new territory by scratching at all new serfaces
* he like to flap his arms and slap the floor,books,doors,ect.
* he loves faces and is often reaching to touch anyone's face how is holding him.
* is getting much better hand controlle and can reach and grab anything he wants in a fair radiance around him.
* can easily go from a sitting position to his tummy
* does full plank and is starting to pull his knees up a little.
* says mamama and dadad and bababa
* He also recognizes his name

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