Sunday, April 20, 2008

Starting a business

I don't know if starting a business is worth it. You'll have to ask me again in a month and then a month from that and so on. I just can't belive what an emotional rollercoaster starting a business is. You finally fell like you've figured thing out and a litte bit of new information changes your whole perspective and therfor changes your plans. Sabina laphes every time a call her because I have a new stroy to tell about where things are at in my business. I can say that it is a great way to keep yourself distracted. I decided I needed to stop waiting for life to happen to me and take life by the horns and guide myself. I can't just sit around mooping that I haven't been give what a want yet.(baby, house) For the moment I am being my own manufacturer and will start selling and distributing product by the end of May. So here in a couple of week you all need to help me sell like crazy and for your efforts you'll all recive free product. Everyone love free stuff that they acctually want. I'd also love help with some managerial tasks if anyone is interested.

Joy of spring

Growing up I was never much into my mother flower garden. I loved the look of them but was never that into the layout, weeding, transplanting and the like. Now with my own little plot I have become obsesive about my beds. I have come to feel that your house doesn't really become a home until you have flower beds with bright colored flowers to welcome all visitors and bring joy to all that walk by. I tend to tell Dave over and over everytime we walk into the house how much I love my flowers. The Lord hasn't felt like the time is right for Dave and I to have children yet, but I was feeling under uppriciated and useless. I needed something to take care of and look after. My problem was solved when I started my own indoor green house. I've planted about 72X4 plants ranging from sun flowers to cucombers and tomatos. I've very excited about them and anxious to put them in the ground. I will have to take some pictures and add them to my blog as well. This Spring brought a lot of joy after a long winter and contemplation about the resurection and joy that will come with our resurected perfect body, and new life. I can't wait to have a perfect body and be on a path to have all knowledge. There is so much to learn in the universe. I cant wait to be able to through aside a job that just pays the bills to one of joy, learning and eternail consiquence.
