His first teeth broke through just in time for his birthday!
Coleman was not such a fan of the frosting on his cake.
Coleman loves balls and to play pass
he says UH-OH, mom, dad, and has said things that sound like Keiton and kitty and dog
He is cruising around like a champ
He is becoming very clingy and demanding and is really fighting being weened. Today he de-pantsed me. He is often screaming while pushing and pulling on my pants.
He has finally decided he will take a bottle so hopefully the night time nursing and early morning nursings will get under control.
He is being picky with self feed food and I'm not on top of baby food and hand feeding him enough. I'm defiantly paying for it at night.
He doesn't like his high-chair and wants to eat on the move even while nursing,
He is a climber and at times gets himself stuck in a precarious situation
He wants to be big and if often copying what the older kids do.
He LOVES to dig in the dirt (like spend over and hour in one spot digging.)
throws temper tantrums and will hit his head while throwing himself around.
love to be outside and books it to the door anytime it is open.
Did you pee on the floor?
"No the wee wees are still in my pea nuts"
lots of wining :( frustration and demands, grabbing, hitting,
He can be the sweetest helper and buddy when getting enough attention. I really need to drop all my projects and focus on him.
He is starting to have an interest in learning new things right now and is starting the alphabet song, and counting better and wanting to do his reading lesson
He is getting really good at puzzles and can about do a 24 piece 3-6 year old puzzle by himself
He loves to be outside but wants to be with mommy and coleman
singing much of the day, mostly "let it go" but also things like "these are the f stops, these are the tuners" while going up the scale.
she often is telling me she is sorry for making poor choices
Brielle is really enjoying violin. She didn't participate at all at her first lesson so we went back to observing with a mini lesson 5 min max and practicing at home. I think she is ready for her next lesson.
very much into princesses dresses and things the "twirl" and often falls apart if she has to wear pants.
We are working on picking up and thus gunny Bag has taken almost all of her princesses dresses away and she has be resorting to sleeping in her swimsuit instead on account that it has a little skirt attached. She can earn her dress ups back but she can't seem to keep her few things left in her room picked up.
she is getting so big playing with the big girls on the block
crossing the street by herself with mommy watching