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Coleman at 7.5 months is walking furniture and in between furniture and can cross a room holding on to only one hand. He loves his tougue and it is often seen hanging out of his mouth. He likes to laugh when tickled. He is finally sleeping better and we have had a few sleep through the night. but he still often wakes at 4 and I try to make him cry it out but at 5-5:30 I give up and go nurse him. But hey this is better then twice a night which was the norm just 2 weeks ago. He is everywhere and has broken his first piece of home decor :( I need to get a gate on the stairs but man is that going to be really annoying, especially on account that you can't fully open the front door with the child gate on the stairs. Can't wait until we can bump out our entry. I really enjoy babies but toddlers is a whole new game that I'm struggling enjoying. The only good part is watching them learn and seeing that progress and little light bulb go on when that grasp something. I am all about empowering kids to do things themselves but I'm struggling with the consequences of that in the realm of time and mess :(
Keiton has mastered opening doors and climbing out of his crib naps and night time are always a battle.
Brielle is in an obstinate phase (i hope) and refuses to do much of what she is asked.
I have much to learn about patience. I never realized until having my own how hard being a good mom is. I am so grateful that I had an amazing mom now the challenge is not to compare myself to her. I always thought I'd be grate at the juggling game of mothering and keeping everything a float especially with lots of kids. We all no not everyone is cut out for a large family (not that large means better) but I always thought I was. Now I'm rethinking that. To bad we can't trade choose how long our children stay in different stages of childhood. I'd take the infant stage longer and speed up the toddler one.
I have had a lot of thoughts on the kind of Parent Heavenly Father is to me and the kind of parent I am to my kids. Man do i have a loooooooooooo........ng journey to become anything like him. sigh!
As of late I haven't been doing much creating.
12 years ago