Brielle says new words everyday and is starting to put them together. She has said more please and today while we were coming out of church I got stuck behind someone talking and blocking the hall way. She used here little hands to gesture me to come and said "come on momma" so sweet:)
Brielle is becoming my little dancer and loves to get wiggling and moving whenever there is music. I love that Keiton is catching on and really trying to boggie as well.
We have started some casual potty training and Brielle has successfully gone poo in her new little toilet. We will start a little more serious when we head to Sabina's for a few days so Keiton has a distraction and isn't cramed in the bathroom with brielle and I trying to sandwich Brielle by closing the lid ontop of her.
We are also doing some learning and Brielle is starting to recognize the letter b and the sound it makes and like me to help her write it.
She also loves to point to her body parts and knows a ton of them from eye brows to belly button and elbows.
Keiton has a little bit or maybe a LOT a bit of a fetish for shoes right now and is constantly bringing me shoes to put on him even if he already as two shoes on, he can often be found with just one shoe or two miss matching shoes. Often I will go to get him out of his crib and he is screaming and pointing at his shoes. He is taking after my dad how always wants shoes on his feet.
Keiton is starting to eat better and only wants to feed himself. But is still very picky
Keiton is my tantrum man, throwing himself on the floor and flinging on to his back while screaming. It is quite funny! Luckily they are short lived.
Keiton can say a few words momma dadd, bottle, his favorite hi, and points to a lot of things that sound like dog or duck.
He can point to his nose:)
He loves to be involved in everything Brielle is doing and often pushes her out of the way to get what she had. He is a big tease and does things he knows will get you upset. He loves to copy Brielle and has been spending a decent amount of time trying to figure out how to jump.
As of late I haven't been doing much creating.
12 years ago