Sunday, June 2, 2013


I know this is a supper blurry picture but it captures Keiton's latest winning smile. He gives this to me almost every time I look at him, especially if he is doing something naughty or mischievous.

I can't believe he is already 2.

* He is talking up a storm and putting small sentences together.
* He loves running down the hall in our house
* He can about count to 10
* He loves everything with wheels
* He his a tease and likes to press mommy and Brielle's buttons
* He likes to be silly and still gives lots of "goggly eyes"
* He call all elderly people grandma and papa
* He loves both sets of grandparents but a little extra for Grandma K and Papa Pete

He continues to love to fly down the hill on his bike. He usually would prefer to be outside. . He is constantly trying to push the rules and get away with things he know he shouldn't be doing. He likes to be going and doing and totally fell apart the other day because he wanted to go to church. Really he just wanted to go anywhere and that is what he could think of. He wines a lot and often about wanting milk, treats, snacks and cereal.  He is constantly getting into this with Brielle.

He primarily is an observer especially in new situations and new people. He will just hang around my side and watch on the outskirts. He has some shyness and reserve about his nature, but then can be fearless when it comes to some physical activities. He still gets very frustrated when things don't go his way. He is quite stubborn and tenacious.

We love this little guy so much and are grateful he is part of our family. He can have the sweetest spirit and gives the best smiles and hugs.

It was really fun to see how excited he was about this train set. He has been playing with it none stop.

 We went to Cabellas for memorial day and the kids had a fun time seeing the live fish and all the other stuffed animals.
My little man with his newest hair cut. He is starting to look so grown up. Man time flys.

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