Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's a boy

So I know I haven't even posted that I am pregnant up to this point on the blog. I am 19.5 weeks and we are having another boy. Way excited. We feel like it will be the best thing for Brielle and Keiton. I think Brielle will be more likely to jump in and play with her two younger brothers as well as boss, mother, and discipline them, then Keiton jumping in an playing with two sisters. Also there will be less comparison for Brielle and she can be her own self with out so much sibling rivalry.

This little guy's birthday is going to be sandwiched between Brielle and Keitons and crazy of crazys the three of them will go to nursery for about 3 months together.

3, 2 and under here we come!

 I think my kids had more fun in the fall then any other time of year in our yard. It was a long warm season.

Then from Thursday to Sunday we got a huge dump. 22 inches. The kids like to watch it fall from the window but haven't decided that it's fun to play in yet.


Katie said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news! And look at all that snow. I don't envy having to shovel it, but it sure is beautiful.

JandB said...

Congrats! So excited for another boy!

Jayson & Sara said...

Congratulations Getti! So happy for all of you.

KingFAM said...

Congrats!! Hooray for another boy!! You look so beautiful and such a cute bump! I'm a few weeks behind you (16 weeks) with another babe and feeling so excited to find out what it is. I'm so happy for you! ~Alyse~
