Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kitchen Table

I asked for Daves time for my Birthday present to help me build this table. It was a frustrating project because we didn't have the ideal tools and neither of us know what we are doing. None the less I think it will turn out wonderful and memorable. Sorry I didn't take many pictures along the way. This is where we are at right now.

Just for fun here is a weeks bounty from our garden. I hadn't picked anything in a while.
There are at least 4 different kinds of tomatoes couple different peppers, wax yellow green beans, cucumber, yellow squash, and zucchini and 2 baby potatoes. We also have onions and Garlic, oregano and basil that I used to make a big pot of fresh spaghetti sauce.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Its time

I know it has been all to long but sadly I really don't have much to post. We had a much needed vacation to Lake Powell that was a lot of fun. We wished we would have had good weather for more then 1 day but Hey at least we had one day. There was enough time for both of us to kind of learn to wake board.

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