Monday, November 10, 2008

I posted an entry on the family histroy blog.

“in the depth of winter, [we find] within [us] an invincible summer.”

“in the depth of winter, [we find] within [us] an invincible summer.” This comes by developing an internal well of faith HOPE and Charity.

The things I have hoped for that have come to pass.

I hoped to be the lead in sleeping beauty
I hoped to get into BYU
I hoped to make Theater Ballet
I hoped to make the Ballroom team
I hoped to get married in the temple
I hoped to find someone that I could cherish for eternity
I hoped to dance abroad
I hoped to make money teaching dance
I hoped to make money with my creations
I hoped to graduate from college

Much of what I have hoped for has come to pass and those things which I hope for now will someday too come to pass.

I hope someday to find the magic of choosing to be happy and finding the positive in life everyday.

I hope to be able to then bring happiness and joy to others lives even in the simplest things.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

When We Held Hands

So 4 years ago around this time Dave and I held hands for the first time. It was after watching a Warren Miller Ski movie. I know so romantic. This year we attended the movie again and at the same place as four years a go. Here are a few pictures. We had a good time.

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