Well I'm older! Life likes to through us all curve balls and my life has curved in a direction I never expected at this stage in m life. But i'm not complaining. There are many wonderful things about where I'm at and i'm trying to make the most of.
I had a wonderful birthday. Thanks everyone for the calls and texts I definitely felt remembered. My mom was in town for a wedding and so I got to spend the day with her and My sister Sabina. We planned out my flower garden then when and got some Thia food. After we went window plant shopping and Sabina and I both ended up buying 7 shrubs. We found a killer deal and couldn't pass it up. We ended are afternoon outing with Gelato. Sense Europe I can't get enough of it. That evening We had chicken tortilla soup and Breacklyn and made me Mile High Strawberry Pie, which is one of my favorites and she'd remember and made it without even telling me. it was amazing. Children are so great as making life special.