Sunday, August 31, 2008


So Yesterday I pretty much gutted my flower bed and today I'm paying for it. I thought my back would be the sorest but it is definitely my hamstrings. Like I posted earlier for my birthday we kind of did some planning and drawing out of my flower beads. I also bought those plant's on my birthday and still had not planted them. They were starting to struggle and I hope they make it. Anyway I'm not accustom to doing that much manual labor and I'm not sure my body liked it. I got all but One of my shrubs planted. I found some large pots at Wal-mart for 1.75 and so I planted them all in beds to that it will be easier to move them around and take them with me when we move.My poor bed looks empty know and I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself from getting a few of the perennials that I want in their for next year like my black eyed susans. I may order some lily's to plant to. I also pulled out a lot of my daffodils and tulips to replant in a more strategic place. I'm determined to have a gorgeous bed next year. I said that about this year and it was truly disastrous. I really need to figure out a better watering system. I also have found some more good information on growing plants from seed and will try my luck at that again this winter. My tomato s have done well along with my lavender and portulaca. I think I'm going to try a few more veggies next year and still to annuals for flowers. we'll see. I'm going to get a shop light and not do the pellet this this winter.


Well I'm older! Life likes to through us all curve balls and my life has curved in a direction I never expected at this stage in m life. But i'm not complaining. There are many wonderful things about where I'm at and i'm trying to make the most of.

I had a wonderful birthday. Thanks everyone for the calls and texts I definitely felt remembered. My mom was in town for a wedding and so I got to spend the day with her and My sister Sabina. We planned out my flower garden then when and got some Thia food. After we went window plant shopping and Sabina and I both ended up buying 7 shrubs. We found a killer deal and couldn't pass it up. We ended are afternoon outing with Gelato. Sense Europe I can't get enough of it. That evening We had chicken tortilla soup and Breacklyn and made me Mile High Strawberry Pie, which is one of my favorites and she'd remember and made it without even telling me. it was amazing. Children are so great as making life special.


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